Our Research and Technology
The Diode Formula alters the EMF frequency to a more harmonious energy
Ener-G-Polari-T Products intensive research is working with the Electrochemical-Biomagnetic and Psychoenergetic force fields of the human body, and how they relate to and interact with the different EMF frequencies in relationship to our health and environment.
The Electrochemical force field is the chemical reactors in the body that make up and start the battery of the body. We are hooked up all through our body with positive and negative charges.
The Biomagnetic field is the expression of this battery, which is the aura.
The Psychoenergetic field is the magnetic tie to the bio-computer that connects all the bodily functions.
You need to have a balance of all three of the energy force fields to achieve and promote a healthy body, mind, and spirit. The human body is basically a solid-state transistorized, computer-operated electrochemical device over and above that it has a soul.
All living matter is electrochemical in nature. A person’s cells produce and are dependent upon the normal flow of subtle electrical and biomagnetic energy. These energies create energy fields around and through a person’s body that can be measured with Kirlian photography and electron acupuncture machines (i.e. Voll, BodyScan machines)
A person’s energy field continually interacts with nature and man-made energy fields in the environment. Harmonious energy fields have been shown to enhance health, whereas chaotic fields may impair a person’s health. Some people are more sensitive to these energies than others.
Chaotic electrical and magnetic fields are common today. They are produced by electromagnetic fields, (EMF’s) extremely low frequencies (ELF), radio frequency (RF) and 5G frequencies. Some of these frequencies are caused from power lines, house wiring, radar and microwave towers, televisions and computers, laptops, microwave ovens, cell phones, wireless and high-tech devices.
We have all heard many reports on television, online articles, newspapers and in magazines how harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) are to our health and well-being.
Subtle energy is constantly swirling in around and through the human body whether or not you are aware of them. These energies can be measured electronically and some people can feel them directly. Our research has been studying the energy fields around the body and their relationship to health.

In 1964 Wayne Cook, the founder of the Diode named the products “The Diode” because the dictionary defines a diode as a device with a two element electron tube or semiconductor through which a current can pass in only one direction and is used esp: as a rectifier.
The natural Diodes energy current moves in one direction which is all positive, is in a solid–state and acts as a rectifier by keeping the body’s energy in balance. The Diode corrects, filters, realigns, stabilizes, and helps restore the body’s energy to its natural state and balance to bring increase harmony to promote a healthy energy field.
Avoiding chaotic electrical fields is the best thing to do. When avoidance isn’t possible, technology to neutralize, counteract and balance energy fields around the body can be a blessing.
The Diode is not a hologram, sticker, or magnet and does not have any Radoinic frequencies. We have a proprietary positive monopole formula that is made up of nontoxic ingredients. Our process with the formula restructures and realigns the formula’s natural ingredients at the molecular level and moves them into a higher energy frequency. The Diode formula will change an oscillating or negative energy pattern to a positive energy by joining with the positive energy of the oscillation pushing the negative energy off center and forcing the electrons causing the oscillation to spin out into an outer shell and disappear.
Our research has shown that man-made EMF frequencies have a negative or oscillating frequency. Negative energy is a left hand spin of energy and an oscillating energy is like a figure eight (8) spin of energy. Mostly EMF’s produce an oscillating energy pattern which is a back and forth positive to negative energy, this is a disruptive energy frequency. What is considered healthy is the right-hand spin of energy which is all positive. The Diode Formula is changing the spin of energy and altering the EMF frequency to a more harmonious energy that is working with and protecting the body’s energy field.
The Diode technology emits different natural energy frequencies to counteract the negative toxic energies and stressors we are exposed to daily by creating a harmonious effect on the human body. The Diode is molded into different shapes and forms to be worn on the body or placed on a device.
For every force in the universe there is an equal and opposite force, “counterforce”. The Diode is our counterforce for counteracting low-level radiation from electromagnetic fields.
When the electromagnetic fields are passing through the body they are altering or blocking your electrical system and you are open to disease of all kinds from physiological to psychological problems. The Diode works by holding the electrical system in balance.
The Diode is giving our electrical system an extra boost to hold your energies in balance just like a big brother/sister would do by giving you an extra helping hand.
The Diodes protective effect extends eighteen inches from the body into the aura. The Diode works to sustain one’s proper energy level by maintaining the polarities of the body. The positive and negative charges inherent in the atomic structure of our own electrochemical system thereby holding the body in its correct frequency or hertz.

Ener-G-Polari-t products is constantly testing and improving its products through research and product development to ensure the highest quality and validity of our claims to our products performance. Ener-G-Polari-T products undergoes independent testing performed in “real-life” situations to test our products effectiveness.
We are the original manufacturer of the Diodes while other companies have tried to duplicate our Diode products without success. These imitations have been checked and rechecked and have been proven ineffective.
Our products have been tested on the sophisticated German Voll Dermatron Machine and the BodyScan Machine with excellent results. These machines measure the flow of energy along your body meridians. The Diodes have been tested using Live Red Blood Cell testing, using live blood to see how it responds to electronic devices that emit EMF radiation, Thermal Imaging, Aura Imaging and also using Kinesiology. Sometimes the Diode frequencies cannot be detected or measured by an EMF meter. The Diode formula is generating on a different energy frequency than the meter can detect and my not change the meter reading. Our formula’s frequencies are counteracting the toxic energies from EMF and other negative sources by harmonizing , neutralizing, and stabilizing the natural energy flows in the body. Over the years our Diode products have been recommended by medical doctors, dentist, holistic doctors, and health food stores worldwide.