DIO-PAD for Comfort and Protection- Out of Stock

DIO-PAD for Comfort and Protection- Out of Stock


Please Note: The Ener-G-Polari-T Dio-Pad is custom made to each order. Please place your order through our Order Department at the number below.
We can only accept phone orders for this item.
(800) 593-6374

IMPORTANT: We will no longer be shipping 1″ Dio-Pads to the state of California. This is due to the exorbitant fee the state charges for their mandatory Furnishing & Bedding Manufacturing License to sell such products in their state.

Out of stock

SKU: DPad91 Category:


A Soft, Flexible Pad with the benefits of our Amazing Diode Formula.

Please Note: The Ener-G-Polari-T Dio-Pad is custom made to each order.  Please place your order through our Order Department at the number below. 
We can only accept phone orders for this item.

Order by Phone Today by calling: (800) 593-6374
Dio-Pads are NON RETURNABLE due to sanitary hygienic reasons

Sit back and let the Dio-Pad start working for you, a soft flexible pad with the benefits of our Amazing Diode Formula. It is made of non-toxic, natural ingredients that bring and hold the body’s energies in balance so you will feel calm and more relaxed. The Dio-Pad works with the body’s energy to protect the body with a shield of energy neutralizing the low-level EMF radiation. Use as a seat or back cushion while traveling. Great when you have tired muscles and need to relax.

When traveling on an airplane have you noticed all of the computerized equipment and the telephones built into your seat right behind your head and the seat in front of you? Can you imagine all the EMF radiation you are exposed to on your flight?

The Dio-Pad

See how the Dio-Pad has helped others with . . .

Jet-Lag Symptoms

    • Anxiety
    • Body aches
    • Fatigue
    • Swollen feet
    • Disorientation
    • Broken sleep patterns
    • Dehydration
    • Dry cough
    • Inability to concentrate

Other Uses for the Dio-Pad

        • Take to the office
        • Vehicle
        • Cruise Ship
        • Train
        • Bus
        • Planes
        • After surgery

The Dio-Pad works best in combination with our other Diode products such as the Versatile Diode.

The Dio-Pad can be used anywhere you go. The Pad can also be used as a Transmutation Plaque. The pad will only transmute what is placed directly on top of it, extending 18″ upward from the pad. The Pad will not transmute M.S.G. because it is a bipolar energy until it enters the body, where it becomes a toxin. Place items on Pad for 15 minutes or longer.

Items to transmute: Groceries, Tobacco products, Vitamins and Medications, Cosmetics, Jewelry, Eyeglasses, Watches, Clothes, Shoes and belts, or anything else that is suspected to have conflict energy.

Dio-Pad Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why does exposure to sunlight “re-energize” the Dio-Pad?
A. Sunlight gives Prana energy, life giving energy.

Q. May I use my Dio-Pad as a Transmutation Plaque?
A. Yes.

Q. What you can use is the Dio-Pad in your baby’s crib for him or her to sleep on while napping and at night.
A. You can place it under the mattress or under the spill-proof mattress pad.

Dio-Pad Testimonials

Just wanted to let you know how much more energy and how much less stress I am experiencing since wearing and using your Diode products. I have a Versatile Digital Diode and a Dio-Pad. Working with a computer, I was tired every day. I felt I had no life after 5:00 pm, but since using the Dio-Pad there is life after 5 pm.
Kathy G, NC

I operate a backhoe and I used to get really bad headaches and feel tired and drained of energy at the end of the day. Then I discovered the Diode products. I placed the Appliance Diode right on my machine inside the cab, and I also sat on a Dio-Pad. I do not get headaches anymore, and I found my energy is much better at the end of the day.
Tom, BC Canada

I loaned several Dio-Pads out to friends and relatives to try out. Everyone says it helps their aches, pains and fatigue.
Ruth, Prescott, Arizona

When my wife and I are physically or emotionally depleted, we line up our 3 Dio-Pads in a row and rest on them. We found the 3 pads soak up the negative energy in our bodies first and then begin to charge us with positive energy. The whole process takes less than 1/2 hour.
Dieter, California

The Dio-Pad comes in a royal blue fabric with a beautiful white embroidered logo, 20″ x 14″ x 1″
The Dio-Pad cannot be washed! Please protect it from spills and dirt use a pillow case for protection. Dio-Pads Are Non Returnable due to sanitary hygienic reasons.

We will no longer be shipping 1″ Dio-Pads to the state of California. This is due to the exuberant fee the state charges for their mandatory Furnishing & Bedding Manufacturing License to sell such products in their state.